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Sombre State Of The Nation(SONA)

This has to be the most sombre state of the nation address,due to covid 19.

While that can be the excuse to condemn Ramaphosa's reign.A simple retrospect through Ramaphosa's term can reveal things like SOEs being sold,ill management,corruption and waste of funds.

The conversation starts with an vaccine that was "bought" but in reality it was forced,or one can say premeditated to be forced on South Africa so it can benefit individuals,it speaks volume about nonchalant thinking of South African government,How can they buy a vaccine that will expire in April?

Eskom,SAA,SA express,SABC,Telekom and SARS.
It leaves a sour taste cause these companies are being ran like spaza shop,what about revenue?service,the primitive service and function of each entity to benefit the state(citizens),not ministers and well connected businessmen/businesswomen.There is nothing to write home about frankly speaking,how many load shadings?looting?Job cuts?

There is a good balance of different perceptions,one would say that we are experiencing a phase where citizens expect less from state of the nation address.Economically Ramaphosa's reign is not progressive and it can't stimulate jobs.

Today it's a big day for the president to give hope to his nation,but what does it mean to fellow member states of SADAC and neighbouring states like Zimbabwe,Lesotho,Namibia,Botswana.

Expectations are minimum but most citizens are holding on to their dear lives,livelihood.Job creation is one of the expectatio ,refreshing the management of SOEs especially Eskom,economic recovery plan to progress in this new year.

Participation of youth in national matters like SONA,is getting reduced and they're keeping safe distance away from the government
"I expect less,but more false and empty promises"

Tonight is the d day to see if we are a progressive nation,we asked for good governance,accountability but to be blunt there's no such thing.

This is really sombre state of the nation address and true reflection that ANC government is just puppets that are driving fancy cars


11 Feb 2021
Matthews Mashao


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