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Introspective Diagnosis

Name of the game is racism,segregation,and inferiority in a country that has "best constitution"

Examining the constitution will make us realise that there's a European and white supremacy influence.One would ask what does the constitution say about under developed townships?,hospitals that lack certain services?,land?,national wealth ?and black people whom are seeking ways for the system to accommodate them?

Land is such a big and important issue for black people to be less inferior in their native land.But it's not about balance of power,rather it's about getting the land back that was stolen

There's a generational benefit for white people from this crime,and it's a shame that a political party like Anc.An organisation that was supposed to spearhead revolution not only for black people,but it deceived South Africa while it was selling the country chunk by chunk.

The Anc is more white now than ever quite a spineless direction,that they are taking.(#StatsSA)2020,80%of black people in South Africa live in poverty and "Black people cannot breathe" cause there are certain things that you cannot say which will make the overlords of the country angry.

The constitution is set up to benefit white people,well we have to look at aspects like country's wealth.There is a biased stream of revenue that is channelled to white people(families)90%,and what about the other small portions?They're meant for politically and economically connected black people.

With variety of avenue contributing to that country's wealth and economy,but still no leading voice of black man(people)

We cannot have one side of town ripe and developed,while the other side is under developed with dysfunctional societies(Sandton and Alexander).The illness is the psychology of black men(people)and the country it self.Lets look at the townships and their functions/objectives

The townships were meant to erode dreams,visions,potential prosperous men and women,students,pupils.The system and planning was watertight plus immaculate to make black pe6 have fear,loathe and abhorrence plus to lose dignity/integrity in their private spaces.

You see,black men(people)are motivated and driven plus desperate to be by standers in the nest of white people.

Matthews M Mashao


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