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Sombre State Of The Nation(SONA)

This has to be the most sombre state of the nation address,due to covid 19. While that can be the excuse to condemn Ramaphosa's reign.A simple retrospect through Ramaphosa's term can reveal things like SOEs being sold,ill management,corruption and waste of funds. The conversation starts with an vaccine that was "bought" but in reality it was forced,or one can say premeditated to be forced on South Africa so it can benefit individuals,it speaks volume about nonchalant thinking of South African government,How can they buy a vaccine that will expire in April? Eskom,SAA,SA express,SABC,Telekom and SARS. It leaves a sour taste cause these companies are being ran like spaza shop,what about revenue?service,the primitive service and function of each entity to benefit the state(citizens),not ministers and well connected businessmen/businesswomen.There is nothing to write home about frankly speaking,how many load shadings?looting?Job cuts? There is a good balance of different p...


Life is not about making money or possessing assets,I mean life is beyond physicality,vibrations and frequency Simple question who needs the government if we are the state? Youth pillar of every nation but it's funny that youth in whole of Africa became an afterthought. Education doesn't teach no more it thrall so you can buy a house on debt.You see education made us to have self loathe and it built redundant social standards,"You need a degree to be a boss" Social grants mmm quite sombre and it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth,the new age piggy bank that made my sisters sperm banks Take a moment and open your senses there is too much occult that we can't runaway from,men kill women it feels like pagan Christmas one punch with a gift,welcome to the horror story where bullets fly Too many scars that narrates a story of social inequality,the government never gave a sh*t,so we celebrate (June 16 1976)when there was a pool of blood,what does it mean to a b...