Copernicus wore many hats from astronomer to economist and took advantage of knowledge as he was also responsible for establishing Gresham's law. MikoĊaj Kope(polish),Nikolaus Kopernikus(German),Born February 19,1473,Torun,royal Prussia,Poland.Died may 24,1543 Frauenburg,east Prussia Gresham's law is monetary principle stating that bad money drives out good .It is primarily used for consideration and application in currency markets,Gresham's law was originally based on the composition of minted coin and the value of the precious metals that are used on them. In 1508 Nicolaus Copernicus developed his own celestial model/system called heliocentric. Heliocentric is a astronomical system which the earth and planets orbits the sun as it is the centre of the universe,derived from the Greek Helio meaning"Sun" or the God of the sun.Around 1514,he started to share his findings in the commentariolus.His second book on the topic Heliocentric, De revolutionbus o...
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